Parish Church of Saint Augustine, Madrid, Spain - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (2024)


(207)Parish Church of Saint Augustine, Madrid, Spain - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (1)


(3)Parish Church of Saint Augustine, Madrid, Spain - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (2)


(207)Parish Church of Saint Augustine, Madrid, Spain - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (3)


(3)Parish Church of Saint Augustine, Madrid, Spain - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (4)

Catholic church


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+34 915 61 38 38


SuSunday: 10:00 AM–9:00 PM

MoMonday: 7:30 AM–9:00 PM

TuTuesday: 7:30 AM–9:00 PM

WeWednesday: 7:30 AM–9:00 PM

ThThursday: 7:30 AM–9:00 PM

FrFriday: 7:30 AM–9:00 PM

SaSaturday: 12:00 PM–9:00 PM

C. de Joaquín Costa, 10, Chamartín, 28002 Madrid, Spain

Monday: 7:30AM–9PM

SuMoTuWeThFrSaShow times

SuSunday: 10:00 AM–9:00 PM

MoMonday: 7:30 AM–9:00 PM

TuTuesday: 7:30 AM–9:00 PM

WeWednesday: 7:30 AM–9:00 PM

ThThursday: 7:30 AM–9:00 PM

FrFriday: 7:30 AM–9:00 PM

SaSaturday: 12:00 PM–9:00 PM

Hide times

+34 915 61 38 38

Why you should go


  1. Admire the beautiful baroque architecture typical of the Parish Church of Saint Augustine
  2. 2

  3. View paintings and images classified as works of art within the church
  4. 3

  5. Experience modern mosaics in a neo-Byzantine style from the 1950s

Highlighted reviews

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(Translated by Google) A very beautiful church. The priest is very nice!!(Original)Una iglesia muy bonita. El sacerdote muy agradable!!

Beautiful church

(Translated by Google) Place of worship located in Chamartín. The architecture, typical of the baroque, is very beautiful. It contains paintings and images that are classified as works of art. I also wanted to appreciate the goodness and kindness of the faithful and other people in charge of this parish.(Original)Lugar de culto situado en Chamartín. La arquitectura, propia del barroco, es muy bonita. Contiene cuadros e imágenes que son catalogadas como obras de arte. Quería también apreciar la bondad y amabilidad de los fieles y demás personas a cargo de esta parroquia.

(Translated by Google) A very beautiful church. The priest is very nice!!(Original)Una iglesia muy bonita. El sacerdote muy agradable!!

Beautiful church

(Translated by Google) Place of worship located in Chamartín. The architecture, typical of the baroque, is very beautiful. It contains paintings and images that are classified as works of art. I also wanted to appreciate the goodness and kindness of the faithful and other people in charge of this parish.(Original)Lugar de culto situado en Chamartín. La arquitectura, propia del barroco, es muy bonita. Contiene cuadros e imágenes que son catalogadas como obras de arte. Quería también apreciar la bondad y amabilidad de los fieles y demás personas a cargo de esta parroquia.

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Know before you go

  1. Visit during mass times to experience engaging homilies that encourage reflection on faith passages
  2. Take part in courses and services offered by the church for a more immersive experience
  3. Appreciate the large brick vault without iron support that stands out as an architectural feature
  4. Engage with friendly parishioners and priests who create a welcoming atmosphere within the church


The Parish Church of Saint Augustine in Madrid, located near Paseo de la Castellana, is a beautiful baroque-style Catholic temple built by architect Luis Moya in 1946. The church features an elliptical plan with four circular chapels, modern mosaics in a neo-Byzantine style from the 1950s, and a large brick vault without iron support. Visitors appreciate the welcoming atmosphere, kindness of the faithful and priests, engaging homilies during masses that encourage reflection and active faith participation. The church offers various courses and services to its parishioners.

Review score


out of 5


207 reviews

Parish Church of Saint Augustine, Madrid, Spain - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (6)From Google

Review score


out of 5

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3 reviews

From Tripadvisor

5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star


5/5Valeria Vera

(Translated by Google) A very beautiful church. The priest is very nice!!(Original)Una iglesia muy bonita. El sacerdote muy agradable!!

4/5Diego Castillo

Beautiful church

4/5Javier Miranda Jiménez

(Translated by Google) Place of worship located in Chamartín. The architecture, typical of the baroque, is very beautiful. It contains paintings and images that are classified as works of art. I also wanted to appreciate the goodness and kindness of the faithful and other people in charge of this parish.(Original)Lugar de culto situado en Chamartín. La arquitectura, propia del barroco, es muy bonita. Contiene cuadros e imágenes que son catalogadas como obras de arte. Quería también apreciar la bondad y amabilidad de los fieles y demás personas a cargo de esta parroquia.


(Translated by Google) Catholic temple built by architect Luis Moya in 1946, who was a parishioner of the parish. It has an elliptical plan with four circular chapels on the sides. Its large brick vault without any type of iron stands out. It celebrates three daily masses from Monday to Friday, two on Saturdays and four on Sundays and holidays.(Original)Templo católico obra del arquitecto Luis Moya en 1946, quien fuera feligrés de la parroquia. Tiene planta elíptica con cuatro capillas en forma circular a los lados. Destaca su gran bóveda de ladrillo sin ningún tipo de hierro. Celebra tres misas diarias de lunes a viernes, dos los sábados y cuatro los domingos y festivos.

4/5Juanma Barranco

(Translated by Google) Interior with modern mosaics, neo-Byzantine style. Spanish architecture from the 1950s, highly recommended. Very well done dome support system, with brick ribs and support on the peripheral walls. Oval floor plan and 4 chapels. Very interesting and innovative, at the time, for how Madrid was.(Original)Interior con mosaicos modernos, estilo neobizantino. Arquitectura española década de 1950, muy recomendable. Sistema de sustentación de la cúpula muy bien logrado, con nervios en ladrillo y sustentación en los muros periféricos. Planta ovalada y 4 capillas. Muy interesante e innovador, en su momento, para como estaba Madrid.

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Breakfast and brunch

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Romantic places

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Family restaurants

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American restaurants

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Asian food

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Places to eat

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Chinese restaurants

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Dim sum

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Food to try

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Casual restaurants

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Seafood restaurants

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Street food

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Fast food

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Takeout and delivery

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French bakeries

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French restaurants

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Vegan restaurants

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Ice cream

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Italian restaurants

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Japanese restaurants

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Breweries and beer

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Gay bars

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Rooftop bars

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Places to go out

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Photo spots

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Kid-friendly attractions

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Theme parks

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Architectural buildings

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Art museums

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Street markets

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Clothing stores

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Free attractions

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Free museums

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History museums

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National parks

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Fun things to do

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Spa hotels

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Coffee roasters

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Observation decks

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Parks and gardens

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Art galleries

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Photography museums

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Arts and culture

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What's the weather like in Madrid?

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Madrid for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

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Explore nearby places

  • Madrid
  • Mazo
  • Pozuelo de Alarcon
  • Leganes
  • Coslada
  • Getafe
  • Alcorcon
  • El Pardo
  • San Fernando de Henares
  • Boadilla del Monte
  • Alcobendas
  • Majadahonda
  • San Sebastian de los Reyes
  • Fuenlabrada
  • Mostoles
  • Vaciamadrid
  • Las Rozas
  • Paracuellos de Jarama
  • Villaviciosa de Odon
  • Mejorada del Campo
  • Velilla de San Antonio
  • Pinto
  • Torrejon De Ardoz
  • Tres Cantos
  • Parla
  • Humanes De Madrid
  • Arroyomolinos
  • Valdemoro
  • Torrejon de la Calzada
  • San Martin de la Vega
  • Grinon

All related maps of Madrid

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  • Map of Pozuelo de Alarcon
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  • Map of Vaciamadrid
  • Map of Las Rozas
  • Map of Paracuellos de Jarama
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  • Map of Mejorada del Campo
  • Map of Velilla de San Antonio
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  • Map of Torrejon De Ardoz
  • Map of Tres Cantos
  • Map of Parla
  • Map of Humanes De Madrid
  • Map of Arroyomolinos
  • Map of Valdemoro
  • Map of Torrejon de la Calzada
  • Map of San Martin de la Vega
  • Map of Grinon

Madrid throughout the year

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Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Madrid?

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  • 2-Day Madrid Itinerary
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  • 5-Day Madrid Itinerary
Parish Church of Saint Augustine, Madrid, Spain - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

Last Updated:

Views: 6491

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.