Framed Art | Z Gallerie (2024)

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Framed Art | Z Gallerie (1)


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Price Range
  • $0.00 - $395.00
  • $395.00 - $721.00
  • $721.00 - $1,047.00
  • $1,047.00 - $1,373.00
  • $1,373.00 - $1,699.00

'); const $a = $('').attr('href', `${productUrl}?color_id=${}`); const $img = $('Framed Art | Z Gallerie (2)') .attr('src', color.value_data ? color.value_data.image_url : '') .attr('title', color.label) .attr('alt', color.label); $a.append($img); $div.append($a); $swatchDiv.append($div); } }); } else { // 如果没有颜色,可以添加一些默认的提示或者留空 } // 如果超过五个颜色,添加额外的自定义图片 if (item.option_values.length > 5) { const $div = $('

'); const $moreLink = $('').attr('href', `${productUrl}`); const $moreImg = $('Framed Art | Z Gallerie (3)') .attr('src', '/content/images/more.svg') .attr('alt', 'more icon'); $moreLink.append($moreImg); $div.append($moreLink); $swatchDiv.append($div); } } } }); } } }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching product colors:', error); // 从集合中移除当前的 productId,以便在失败后可以重新请求 requestedProductIds.delete(productId); }); } var skuCache = {}; var pendingRequests = {}; function getMainImage(productId, sku) { // Check if the image for this SKU is already cached if (skuCache&&skuCache[sku]) { const imgSrc = skuCache[sku]; const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); return; // Return early to avoid making a redundant network request } // Check if a request for this SKU is already pending if (pendingRequests[sku]) { // If a request is pending, just wait for it to complete and use the cached value then pendingRequests[sku].then(imgSrc => { const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); }); return; } // If not cached and no pending request, make a new network request pendingRequests[sku] = fetch(`${sku}`, { method: "GET" }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(res => { if(res.code==200) { const imgSrc =; // Cache the image URL for the SKU skuCache[sku] = imgSrc; const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); return imgSrc; // Return the image source to resolve the pending request promise } else { throw new Error("Failed to load image"); } }) .catch(error => { console.error("Error fetching image:", error); }) .finally(() => { // Clean up the pending request entry once it's fulfilled or rejected delete pendingRequests[sku]; }); // Handle the image once the pending request completes pendingRequests[sku].then(imgSrc => { const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); }); } // 页面加载完成后执行的代码 window.onload = function() { }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { }); function calculateDiscountPercentage(originalPrice, discountedPrice) { if (originalPrice <= 0 || discountedPrice <= 0) { return "Invalid input. Prices must be greater than zero."; } var discount = originalPrice - discountedPrice; var discountPercentage = discount / originalPrice / 5 * 100 ; return Math.floor(discountPercentage.toFixed(2)) * 5 + "% OFF"; } var requestedSkus = new Set(); // 用于存储已请求的 skufunction getProductListImageBynder(sku, productId) { // 检查 element 是否是一个有效的 DOM 元素 const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); if (requestedSkus.has(sku)) { return; // 已请求过,直接返回 } // 添加 sku 到集合中 requestedSkus.add(sku); fetch(`${sku}`, { method: "GET" }).then(response => response.json()) .then(res => { if (res && res.length > 0) { res.forEach((item) => { if (item.property_Order && item.property_Order[0] == '1') { $cardImgDiv.attr("src", item.thumbnails.webimage); } if (item.property_Order && item.property_Order[0] == '2') { $cardImgDiv.attr("data-nsrc", item.thumbnails.webimage); } }); } }).catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching bynder images:', error); });}

  • '); const $a = $('').attr('href', `${productUrl}?color_id=${}`); const $img = $('Framed Art | Z Gallerie (5)') .attr('src', color.value_data ? color.value_data.image_url : '') .attr('title', color.label) .attr('alt', color.label); $a.append($img); $div.append($a); $swatchDiv.append($div); } }); } else { // 如果没有颜色,可以添加一些默认的提示或者留空 } // 如果超过五个颜色,添加额外的自定义图片 if (item.option_values.length > 5) { const $div = $('

    '); const $moreLink = $('').attr('href', `${productUrl}`); const $moreImg = $('Framed Art | Z Gallerie (6)') .attr('src', '/content/images/more.svg') .attr('alt', 'more icon'); $moreLink.append($moreImg); $div.append($moreLink); $swatchDiv.append($div); } } } }); } } }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching product colors:', error); // 从集合中移除当前的 productId,以便在失败后可以重新请求 requestedProductIds.delete(productId); }); } var skuCache = {}; var pendingRequests = {}; function getMainImage(productId, sku) { // Check if the image for this SKU is already cached if (skuCache&&skuCache[sku]) { const imgSrc = skuCache[sku]; const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); return; // Return early to avoid making a redundant network request } // Check if a request for this SKU is already pending if (pendingRequests[sku]) { // If a request is pending, just wait for it to complete and use the cached value then pendingRequests[sku].then(imgSrc => { const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); }); return; } // If not cached and no pending request, make a new network request pendingRequests[sku] = fetch(`${sku}`, { method: "GET" }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(res => { if(res.code==200) { const imgSrc =; // Cache the image URL for the SKU skuCache[sku] = imgSrc; const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); return imgSrc; // Return the image source to resolve the pending request promise } else { throw new Error("Failed to load image"); } }) .catch(error => { console.error("Error fetching image:", error); }) .finally(() => { // Clean up the pending request entry once it's fulfilled or rejected delete pendingRequests[sku]; }); // Handle the image once the pending request completes pendingRequests[sku].then(imgSrc => { const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); }); } // 页面加载完成后执行的代码 window.onload = function() { }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { }); function calculateDiscountPercentage(originalPrice, discountedPrice) { if (originalPrice <= 0 || discountedPrice <= 0) { return "Invalid input. Prices must be greater than zero."; } var discount = originalPrice - discountedPrice; var discountPercentage = discount / originalPrice / 5 * 100 ; return Math.floor(discountPercentage.toFixed(2)) * 5 + "% OFF"; } var requestedSkus = new Set(); // 用于存储已请求的 skufunction getProductListImageBynder(sku, productId) { // 检查 element 是否是一个有效的 DOM 元素 const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); if (requestedSkus.has(sku)) { return; // 已请求过,直接返回 } // 添加 sku 到集合中 requestedSkus.add(sku); fetch(`${sku}`, { method: "GET" }).then(response => response.json()) .then(res => { if (res && res.length > 0) { res.forEach((item) => { if (item.property_Order && item.property_Order[0] == '1') { $cardImgDiv.attr("src", item.thumbnails.webimage); } if (item.property_Order && item.property_Order[0] == '2') { $cardImgDiv.attr("data-nsrc", item.thumbnails.webimage); } }); } }).catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching bynder images:', error); });}

  • '); const $a = $('').attr('href', `${productUrl}?color_id=${}`); const $img = $('Framed Art | Z Gallerie (8)') .attr('src', color.value_data ? color.value_data.image_url : '') .attr('title', color.label) .attr('alt', color.label); $a.append($img); $div.append($a); $swatchDiv.append($div); } }); } else { // 如果没有颜色,可以添加一些默认的提示或者留空 } // 如果超过五个颜色,添加额外的自定义图片 if (item.option_values.length > 5) { const $div = $('

    '); const $moreLink = $('').attr('href', `${productUrl}`); const $moreImg = $('Framed Art | Z Gallerie (9)') .attr('src', '/content/images/more.svg') .attr('alt', 'more icon'); $moreLink.append($moreImg); $div.append($moreLink); $swatchDiv.append($div); } } } }); } } }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching product colors:', error); // 从集合中移除当前的 productId,以便在失败后可以重新请求 requestedProductIds.delete(productId); }); } var skuCache = {}; var pendingRequests = {}; function getMainImage(productId, sku) { // Check if the image for this SKU is already cached if (skuCache&&skuCache[sku]) { const imgSrc = skuCache[sku]; const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); return; // Return early to avoid making a redundant network request } // Check if a request for this SKU is already pending if (pendingRequests[sku]) { // If a request is pending, just wait for it to complete and use the cached value then pendingRequests[sku].then(imgSrc => { const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); }); return; } // If not cached and no pending request, make a new network request pendingRequests[sku] = fetch(`${sku}`, { method: "GET" }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(res => { if(res.code==200) { const imgSrc =; // Cache the image URL for the SKU skuCache[sku] = imgSrc; const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); return imgSrc; // Return the image source to resolve the pending request promise } else { throw new Error("Failed to load image"); } }) .catch(error => { console.error("Error fetching image:", error); }) .finally(() => { // Clean up the pending request entry once it's fulfilled or rejected delete pendingRequests[sku]; }); // Handle the image once the pending request completes pendingRequests[sku].then(imgSrc => { const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); $cardImgDiv.attr("src", imgSrc); }); } // 页面加载完成后执行的代码 window.onload = function() { }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { }); function calculateDiscountPercentage(originalPrice, discountedPrice) { if (originalPrice <= 0 || discountedPrice <= 0) { return "Invalid input. Prices must be greater than zero."; } var discount = originalPrice - discountedPrice; var discountPercentage = discount / originalPrice / 5 * 100 ; return Math.floor(discountPercentage.toFixed(2)) * 5 + "% OFF"; } var requestedSkus = new Set(); // 用于存储已请求的 skufunction getProductListImageBynder(sku, productId) { // 检查 element 是否是一个有效的 DOM 元素 const $cardImgDiv = $(`#card-img-${productId}`); if (requestedSkus.has(sku)) { return; // 已请求过,直接返回 } // 添加 sku 到集合中 requestedSkus.add(sku); fetch(`${sku}`, { method: "GET" }).then(response => response.json()) .then(res => { if (res && res.length > 0) { res.forEach((item) => { if (item.property_Order && item.property_Order[0] == '1') { $cardImgDiv.attr("src", item.thumbnails.webimage); } if (item.property_Order && item.property_Order[0] == '2') { $cardImgDiv.attr("data-nsrc", item.thumbnails.webimage); } }); } }).catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching bynder images:', error); });}

    Framed Art |  Z Gallerie (2024)


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    Article information

    Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5493

    Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

    Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

    Birthday: 1999-09-15

    Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

    Phone: +6838967160603

    Job: Mining Executive

    Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

    Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.