W-9S Form
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires the university to report certain information concerning your status as a student on an IRS tax statement form 1098-T. In order to properly prepare and submit the tax statement, your correct U.S. Tax Identification Number—either a U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) or U.S. Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is required. The Student Financial Services Office will contact those students for which this information is absent several weeks before the form 1098-T is produced.
How to Submit Your W-9S Form
If you received a request from FSU for your social security card and W-9S form and need an additional copy, click here to obtain our letter and complete the bottom portion. Submit the completed letter with your student ID number listed at the top and a copy of your Social Security Card to the address below:
Ferris State University
Student Financial Services - CSS101
1201 S. State Street
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Or Fax (231) 591-2127
Pursuant to privacy laws and regulations, the U.S. Tax Identification Number is only used for reporting purposes as required and will not be used as an identifier in any FSU student records system.
Students must provide their Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) before the 1098-T process is completed to ensure that the Form 1098-T information is reported accurately to the IRS for the appropriate tax year.
The IRS requires FSU/KCAD to report 1098-T data with or without the SSN/ITIN information. Failure by students to provide their United States SSN/ITIN may result in a $100 penalty fee posted to their student account. This fee is imposed by the IRS outlined in Notice 972CG. Ferris State University's 1098-T process will be ran in January and the deadline for documentation is in December. Please click here for frequently asked questions about the 1098-T form.
Students can access their 1098-T forms via Ferris360.
**Ineligible students will receive an error notification that states "No tax notification exists for your student account. No information will be reported to the IRS." FSU is not required by the IRS to file Form 1098-T or furnish a statement for students in the following situations:
- Qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships (most common reason).
- You are a nonresident alien student and did not provide FSU with a valid United States Social Security Number.
- You were enrolled in courses for which no academic credit is offered, even if you are enrolled in a degree program.
- We maintain a separate financial account for your tuition costs. Example: contract billing for concurrent enrollment students.
Tuition Statement - 1098-T Form
Electronic Opt-In
To give consent to receive your 1098-T form electronically, click on the link below and follow the simple instructions to sign up!
- Visit the ECSI website.
- Sign-up for EConsent to receive electronic delivery of your tax form by entering your 8-digit Ferris State Student ID Number (not SSN) when prompted along with the other required information.
- Read the information provided on the ECSI site, check box and click submit and accept. You will receive an email when the 1098-T is generated with directions on how to access your form.
Paper Forms
The Tuition Statements (1098-T forms) are mailed in January to all FSU students who qualify and did not elect to receive it electronically. The 1098-T information is also available via Ferris360 for students to access additional copies of the paper forms.
Qualified and Non-Qualified Expenses
What is considered Qualified and Non-Qualified expenses?
- Qualified Expenses - Tuition and related expenses.
- Non-Qualified Expenses - Room and board, insurances, transportation, books, fees and equipment.
Preparing Your Tax Credit
To assist you in preparing your tax credit for the Hope Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit, box 1 and box 5 on the 1098-T has been completed. Be aware there are other boxes on the form that may contain information needed to calculate your tax credit.
- Box 1- shows the Payments received for Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses.
- Box 5 - shows the Amount of Scholarships or Grants that are administered and processed during the year for the payment of the student's cost of attendance including housing (e.g., tax-free scholarships, federal grants, non-qualified scholarships, and employer-provided educational assistance).
In order to claim your tax credit, you must complete the IRS 8863 tax form, entitled Educational Credits (Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits). If you were at least a half-time student at any time during the tax year, then Box 8 on the 1098-T form will be marked.
Hope Credit
Click here For further explanation on the Hope Credit and access to Form 8863
Lifetime Learning Credit
CLICK HERE For details on the Lifetime Learning Credit and Form 8863
The Education Credits (Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits) - FORM 8863 and General Instructions may be downloaded using the Portable Document Format (PDF), special software is required to view and print PDF documents.
If you do not have the special software required to view and print the PDF documents or unable to locate the tax form 8863, you may visit the Timme Center for assistance.
If you have any questions about completion of necessary forms or qualifications for either tax credit, you should contact your tax advisor or the Internal Revenue Service.
For more information about Education Credits please click here.
International Students
If you are considered a nonresident alien for U.S. tax purposes on an F, J, or B visa, you are not eligible for the U.S. tax education tax benefits and may disregard this information.